Gaining Confidence as an Artist

Many artists just starting out, or those that haven’t found their groove yet will experience problems with a lack of confidence. It manifests in some people as a lack of direction, or confusion surrounding their career route. Other times it can lead to creative block and procrastination as the artist feels unable to produce work they feel meets their standard. Don’t let fear, excuses, or procrastination hold you back from creating your art. We have put together 5 simple things that will help you to build your confidence as an artist. 

1. Embrace What You Have Created

It’s a rather common feeling to feel inadequate, especially if you are just starting out. You put your work online and look around at other artists. You wonder why people buy their work and not yours. You see one artist painting really well or another who has a full queue of commissions. That makes you feel inadequate, right? Wrong! The first step is to stop that negative self-talk immediately.

Staying true to yourself and embracing what you have created will give you confidence when making art. Once you accept the idea that your art is a direct reflection of who you are, this will give your work a sense of authenticity. You will be authentic because you embrace the fact that no one knows your artwork better than you do. People will be curious about your creations and the way you think about them. When you are confident and authentic, people take notice. 

2. Take Your Time

To build confidence in your creativity, you must learn how to not rush the process. Rushing leads to mistakes. Mistakes will diminish your ability to demonstrate your skillset and take away potential opportunities. The more confident you are in yourself, the less likely you are to make mistakes. Many artists try to force their skill development too quickly. By rushing the process, they cut themselves short in areas where they need growth. The way we build confidence in our art is by putting in the time to refine skills. 

3. Persistence Keeps You In The Right Direction

Persistence is key to success in any field, and creativity is no different. Although you may find yourself in a place of frustration at times, you need to remind yourself that persistence is an important part of the creative process. Creativity can be tiring work until you find what you’re looking for. Persistence is needed to get us through difficult times and approach the next moment. Give your brain time to create something impressive without letting your thoughts rush in! Persistence is truly something that will help keep your creative projects moving in the right direction. 

4. Know How To Verbalize Your Art

Fully articulating the concepts that drive your creative endeavors is an essential component of your artistic recipe. Art is an expression of ideas; the more you understand the ideas behind your art, the more confident you will be. The better you explain these ideas to other people, the more your art will be welcomed. You should always study and learn new aspects of your craft.

5. Learn To Put Ego Aside 

The most important thing to remember is that you shouldn’t take the critique personally. The critique is always about your work, not you as a person. The more you accept that, the easier it will be to open yourself up and learn something from someone else’s perspective. While it’s challenging to be completely objective, viewing your work from someone else’s perspective is extremely helpful for improving your art and better understanding your strengths and weaknesses. 

All artists start their journey with the same worries, fears, and hesitations. We hope that you never stop questioning, learning, and improving yourself. As artists, we are always growing and developing and it is up to us to be accepting of our faults, but most importantly, to never give up. The journey to becoming a successful artist is not an easy one. It takes time, patience, effort, and sometimes a few heartbreaks along the way. However, it can truly be one of the most satisfying paths to walk when you are doing what you love to do and receiving the validation your hard work deserves.

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